Contains type and methods for drawing higher-timeframe bands of several types:
Bollinger bands
Parabolic SAR
By copy pasting ready made code sections to your script you can add as many multi-timeframe bands as necessary.
Please see instructions in the code. (Important: first fold all sections of the script: press Cmd + K then Cmd + - (for Windows Ctrl + K then Ctrl + -)
An alternate ATR function to the `ta.atr()` built-in, which allows a "series float"
`length` argument.
length (float) : (series int/float) Length for the smoothing parameter calculation.
Returns: (float) The ATR value.
pine_supertrend2(factor, atrLength, wicks)
An alternate SuperTrend function to `supertrend()`, which allows a "series float"
`atrLength` argument.
factor (float) : (series int/float) Multiplier for the ATR value.
atrLength (float) : (series int/float) Length for the ATR smoothing parameter calculation.
wicks (simple bool) : (simple bool) Condition to determine whether to take candle wicks into account when
reversing trend, or to use the close price. Optional. Default is false.
Returns: ( ) A tuple of the superTrend value and trend direction.
method getDefaultBandQ1(bandType)
For a given BandType returns its default Q1
Namespace types: series BandTypes
bandType (series BandTypes)
method getDefaultBandQ2(bandType)
For a given BandType returns its default Q2
Namespace types: series BandTypes
bandType (series BandTypes)
method getDefaultBandQ3(bandType)
For a given BandType returns its default Q3
Namespace types: series BandTypes
bandType (series BandTypes)
method init(this, bandsType, q1, q2, q3, vwapAnchor)
Initiates RsParamsBands for each band (used in htfUpdate() withi req.sec())
Namespace types: RsParamsBands
this (RsParamsBands)
bandsType (series BandTypes)
q1 (float) : (float) Depending on type: BB - length, SAR - AF start, ST - ATR's prd
q2 (float) : (float) Depending on type: BB - StdDev mult, SAR - AF step, ST - mult
q3 (float) : (float) Depending on type: BB - not used, SAR - AF max, ST - not used
vwapAnchor (series VwapAnchors) : (VwapAnchors) VWAP ahcnor
method init(this, bandsType, tf, showRecentBars, lblsShow, lblsMaxLabels, lblSize, lnMidClr, lnUpClr, lnLoClr, fill, fillClr, lnWidth, lnSmoothen)
Initialises object with params (incl. input). Creates arrays if any.
Namespace types: HtfBands
this (HtfBands)
bandsType (series BandTypes) : (BandTypes) Just used to enable/disable - if BandTypes.none then disable )
tf (string) : (string) Timeframe
showRecentBars (int) : (int) Only show over this number of recent bars
lblsShow (bool) : (bool) Show labels
lblsMaxLabels (int) : (int) Max labels to show
lblSize (string) : (string) Size of the labels
lnMidClr (color) : (color) Middle band color
lnUpClr (color) : (color) Upper band color
lnLoClr (color) : (color) Lower band color
fill (bool)
fillClr (color) : (color) Fill color
lnWidth (int) : (int) Line width
lnSmoothen (bool) : (bool) Smoothen the bands
method htfUpdateTuple(rsPrms, repaint)
(HTF) Calculates Bands within Returns tuple . If any or all of the bands are not available returns na as their value.
Namespace types: RsParamsBands
rsPrms (RsParamsBands) : (RsParamsBands) Parameters of the band.
repaint (bool) : (bool) If true does not update on realtime bars.
Returns: A tuple (corresponds to fields in RsReturnBands)
method importRsRetTuple(this, htfBi, mid, up, lo, dir)
Imports a tuple returned from req.sec() into an HtfBands object
Namespace types: HtfBands
this (HtfBands) : (HtfBands) Object to import to
htfBi (int) : (float) Higher timeframe's bar index (Default = na)
mid (float)
up (float) : (float) Value of upper band (Default = na)
lo (float) : (float) Value of lower band (Default = na)
dir (int) : (int) Direction (for bands like Parabolic SAR) (Default = na)
method addUpdDrawings(this, rsPrms)
Draws band's labels
Namespace types: HtfBands
this (HtfBands)
rsPrms (RsParamsBands)
method update(this)
Sets band's values to na on intrabars if `smoothen` is set.
Namespace types: HtfBands
this (HtfBands)
method newRsParamsBands(this)
A wraper for
Namespace types: LO_A
this (LO_A)
method newHtfBands(this)
A wraper for
Namespace types: LO_B
this (LO_B)
Used to pass bands' params to req.sec()
bandsType (series BandTypes) : (enum BandTypes) Type of the band (BB, SAR etc.)
q1 (series float) : (float) Depending on type: BB - length, SAR - AF start, ST - ATR's prd
q2 (series float) : (float) Depending on type: BB - StdDev mult, SAR - AF step, ST - mult
q3 (series float) : (float) Depending on type: BB - not used, SAR - AF max, ST - not used
vwapAnchor (series VwapAnchors)
Used to return bands' data from req.sec(). Params of the bands are in RsParamsBands
htfBi (series float) : (float) Higher timeframe's bar index (Default = na)
upBand (series float) : (float) Value of upper band (Default = na)
loBand (series float) : (float) Value of lower band (Default = na)
midBand (series float) : (float) Value of middle band (Default = na)
dir (series int) : (float) Direction (for bands like Parabolic SAR) (Default = na)
Contains plot visualization parameters and stores and keeps track of lines, labels and other visual objects (not plots)
lnMidClr (series color) : (color) Middle band color
lnLoClr (series color) : (color) Lower band color
lnUpClr (series color) : (color) Upper band color
fillUpClr (series color)
fillLoClr (series color)
lnWidth (series int) : (int) Line width
lnSmoothen (series bool) : (bool) Smoothen the bands
showHistory (series bool) : (bool) If true show bands lines, otherwise only current level
showRecentBars (series int) : (int) Only show over this number of recent bars
arLbl (array) : (label Labels
lblsMaxLabels (series int) : (int) Max labels to show
lblsShow (series bool) : (bool) Show labels
lblSize (series string) : (string) Size of the labels
Calcs and draws HTF bands
rsRet (RsReturnBands) : (RsReturnBands) Bands' values
rsRetNaObj (RsReturnBands) : (RsReturnBands) Dummy na obj for returning from
rsPrms (RsParamsBands) : (RsParamsBands) Band parameters (for htfUpdate() called in req.sec() )
drw (BandsDrawing) : (BandsDrawing) Contains plot visualization parameters and stores and keeps track of lines, labels and other visual objects (not plots)
enabled (series bool) : (bool) Toggles bands on/off
tf (series string) : (string) Timeframe
LO Library object, whose only purpose is to serve as a shorthand for library name in script code.
dummy (series string)
LO Library object, whose only purpose is to serve as a shorthand for library name in script code.
dummy (series string)
AminioLibraryLibrary "AminioLibrary"
: this is my personal library that is being used in different indicators and strategies
calculateMA(source, len, maType)
This fuction returns a moving average value based on the type
source (float) : Is the time series source to calculate average from
len (simple int) : The length of the moving average, this should be integer
maType (string) : The type of moving average, acceptable types are : SMA, HMA, EMA, RMA, WMA, VWMA
Returns: value of moving average
atr(source, len)
This fuction returns atr value for a given source
source (float) : Is the time series source to calculate atr from
len (simple int) : The length of the atr, this should be integer
Returns: value of atr from source
superTrend(source, factor, len)
This fuction returns value of super trend indicator and the trend direction as a tupple
source (float) : Is the time series source to calculate super trend from
factor (simple float) : The multiplication factor for upper and lower band calcualtion, this can be a float
len (simple int) : The length of the super trend, this should be integer
Returns: value of atr from source
halfTrend(am, chdev)
This fuction returns a hTrend type carrying different values for half trend indicator
am (int) : This is the amplitude used for calcucating the half trend, use integers
chdev (float) : This is the Channel Deviation value used for calculating upper and lower atr channel boundaries, you can use floats
Returns: hTrend data type
halfTrend (series__float)
trend (series__integer)
atrHigh (series__float)
atrLow (series__float)
arrowUp (series__float)
arrowDown (series__float)
HSupertrendLibrary "HSupertrend"
Supertrend implementation based on harmonic patterns
hsupertrend(zProperties, pProperties, errorPercent, showPatterns, patternColor)
derives supertrend based on harmonic patterns
zProperties : ZigzagProperties containing Zigzag length and source array
pProperties : PatternProperties used for calculation
errorPercent : Error threshold for scanning patterns
showPatterns : Draw identified patterns structure on chart
patternColor : Color of the pattern lines to be drawn
ZigzagProperties contains values required for zigzag calculation
length : Zigzag length
source : Array containing custom OHLC. If not set, array.from(high, low) is used
PatternProperties are essential pattern parameters used for calculation of bullish and bearish zones
base : Base for calculating entry and stop of pattern. Can be CD, minmax or correction. Default is CD
entryPercent : Distance from D in terms of percent of Base in the direction of pattern
stopPercent : Distance from D in terms of percent of Base in the opposite direction of pattern
useClosePrices : When set uses close price for calculation of supertrend breakout
TAExtLibrary "TAExt"
Indicator functions can be used in other indicators and strategies. This will be extended by time with indicators I use in my strategies and studies.
atrwo(length, stdev_length, stdev_mult) ATR without outliers
length : The length of the ATR
stdev_length : The length of the standard deviation, used for detecting outliers
stdev_mult : The multiplier of the standard deviation, used for detecting outliers
Returns: The ATR value
atrwma(src, period, type, atr_length, stdev_length, stdev_mult) ATR without outlier weighted moving average
src : The source of the moving average
period : The period of the moving average
type : The type of the moving average, possible values: SMA, EMA, RMA
atr_length : The length of the ATR
stdev_length : The length of the standard deviation, used for detecting outliers
stdev_mult : The multiplier of the standard deviation, used for detecting outliers
Returns: The moving average value
jma(src, period, phase, power) Jurik Moving Average
src : The source of the moving average
period : The period of the moving average calculation
phase : The phase of jurik MA calculation (-100..100)
power : The power of jurik MA calculation
Returns: The Jurik MA series
anyma(src, period, type, offset, sigma, phase, power) Moving Average by type
src : The source of the moving average
period : The period of the moving average calculation
type : The type of the moving average
offset : Used only by ALMA, it is the ALMA offset
sigma : Used only by ALMA, it is the ALMA sigma
phase : The phase of jurik MA calculation (-100..100)
power : The power of jurik MA calculation
Returns: The moving average series
wae(macd_src, macd_fast_length, macd_slow_length, macd_sensitivity, bb_base_src, bb_upper_src, bb_lower_src, bb_length, bb_mult, dead_zone_length, dead_zone_mult) Waddah Attar Explosion (WAE)
macd_src : The source series used by MACD
macd_fast_length : The fast MA length of the MACD
macd_slow_length : The slow MA length of the MACD
macd_sensitivity : The MACD diff multiplier
bb_base_src : The source used by stdev
bb_upper_src : The source used by the upper Bollinger Band
bb_lower_src : The source used by the lower Bollinger Band
bb_length : The lenth for Bollinger Bands
bb_mult : The multiplier for Bollinger Bands
dead_zone_length : The ATR length for dead zone calculation
dead_zone_mult : The ATR multiplier for dead zone
ssl(length, high_src, low_src) Semaphore Signal Level channel (SSL)
length : The length of the moving average
high_src : Source of the high moving average
low_src : Source of the low moving average
adx(atr_length, di_length, adx_length, high_src, low_src, atr_ma_type, di_ma_type, adx_ma_type) Average Directional Index + Direction Movement Index (ADX + DMI)
atr_length : The length of ATR
di_length : DI plus and minus smoothing length
adx_length : ADX smoothing length
high_src : Source of the high moving average
low_src : Source of the low moving average
atr_ma_type : MA type of the ATR calculation
di_ma_type : MA type of the DI calculation
adx_ma_type : MA type of the ADX calculation
supertrendHere is an extensive library on different variations of supertrend.
Library "supertrend"
supertrend : Library dedicated to different variations of supertrend
supertrend_atr(length, multiplier, atrMaType, source, highSource, lowSource, waitForClose, delayed) supertrend_atr: Simple supertrend based on atr but also takes into consideration of custom MA Type, sources
length : : ATR Length
multiplier : : ATR Multiplier
atrMaType : : Moving Average type for ATR calculation. This can be sma, ema, hma, rma, wma, vwma, swma
source : : Default is close. Can Chose custom source
highSource : : Default is high. Can also use close price for both high and low source
lowSource : : Default is low. Can also use close price for both high and low source
waitForClose : : Considers source for direction change crossover if checked. Else, uses highSource and lowSource.
delayed : : if set to true lags supertrend atr stop based on target levels.
Returns: dir : Supertrend direction
supertrend : BuyStop if direction is 1 else SellStop
supertrend_bands(bandType, maType, length, multiplier, source, highSource, lowSource, waitForClose, useTrueRange, useAlternateSource, alternateSource, sticky) supertrend_bands: Simple supertrend based on atr but also takes into consideration of custom MA Type, sources
bandType : : Type of band used - can be bb, kc or dc
maType : : Moving Average type for Bands. This can be sma, ema, hma, rma, wma, vwma, swma
length : : Band Length
multiplier : : Std deviation or ATR multiplier for Bollinger Bands and Keltner Channel
source : : Default is close. Can Chose custom source
highSource : : Default is high. Can also use close price for both high and low source
lowSource : : Default is low. Can also use close price for both high and low source
waitForClose : : Considers source for direction change crossover if checked. Else, uses highSource and lowSource.
useTrueRange : : Used for Keltner channel. If set to false, then high-low is used as range instead of true range
useAlternateSource : - Custom source is used for Donchian Chanbel only if useAlternateSource is set to true
alternateSource : - Custom source for Donchian channel
sticky : : if set to true borders change only when price is beyond borders.
Returns: dir : Supertrend direction
supertrend : BuyStop if direction is 1 else SellStop
supertrend_zigzag(length, history, useAlternateSource, alternateSource, source, highSource, lowSource, waitForClose, atrlength, multiplier, atrMaType) supertrend_zigzag: Zigzag pivot based supertrend
length : : Zigzag Length
history : : number of historical pivots to consider
useAlternateSource : - Custom source is used for Zigzag only if useAlternateSource is set to true
alternateSource : - Custom source for Zigzag
source : : Default is close. Can Chose custom source
highSource : : Default is high. Can also use close price for both high and low source
lowSource : : Default is low. Can also use close price for both high and low source
waitForClose : : Considers source for direction change crossover if checked. Else, uses highSource and lowSource.
atrlength : : ATR Length
multiplier : : ATR Multiplier
atrMaType : : Moving Average type for ATR calculation. This can be sma, ema, hma, rma, wma, vwma, swma
Returns: dir : Supertrend direction
supertrend : BuyStop if direction is 1 else SellStop
SupportResitanceAndTrendLibrary "SupportResitanceAndTrend"
Contains utilities for finding key levels of support, resistance and direction of trend.
superTrendPlus(multiple, h, l, atr, closeBars) A more flexible version of SuperTrend that allows for supplying the series used and sensitivity adjustment by confirming close bars.
multiple : The multiple to apply to the average true range.
h : The high values.
l : The low values.
atr : The average true range values.
closeBars : The number of bars to confirm a change in trend.
superTrend(multiple, period, mode, closeBars) superTrendPlus with simplified parameters.
multiple : The multiple to apply to the average true range.
period : The number of bars to measure.
mode : The type of moving average to use with the true range.
closeBars : The number of bars to confirm a change in trend.
stochSR() Identifies support and resistance levels by when a stochastic RSI reverses. Returns: