

Previous price movements, according to technical analysts, can be used to forecast future price movements, whereas fundamental analysts believe that economic fundamentals drive market movements. Understanding the differences between fundamental and technical analysis , as well as how to combine the two, can be extremely beneficial to traders. Many traders have discovered that technical analysis can assist them in risk management, which can be a significant barrier for inexperienced traders. Once a trader understands the concepts and principles of technical analysis , he or she can apply them to any market, making it a highly versatile analytical tool. Technical analysis , when done correctly, seeks to detect patterns that may be created by the underlying fundamentals.

The following are some of the benefits of using technical analysis:
It can be adapted to any market or age group.
Technical analysis is used in isolation on occasion.
It allows traders to spot and profit from market fluctuations.
Charts are required for technical analysis . Because a security's price is the most reliable indicator of the market's past and current performance, it also serves as the starting point for evaluating transaction options.
A chart depicts price movement, which is the most reliable indicator of market activity.

