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Hello Friends,

Here we had shared some major points and characteristics of Expanded Flat Correction also known as Irregular Flat Correction in Elliott waves.

Principles of Irregular / Expanded Flat correction pattern

1) 3 waves corrective pattern which is labelled as A-B-C
2) Subdivision of wave A and B are in 3-3 waves
3) Subdivision of wave C is in 5 waves
4) Wave B of the 3-3-5 pattern completes beyond the starting level of wave A
5) Wave C completes beyond the ending level of wave A

Fibonacci measurements

Wave B is always 123.6% to 138.2% of measurement of wave A
Wave C completes at least 123.6% to 161.8% of wave A which starts from end of wave B

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Hope this post is helpful to community

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The analysis and discussion provided on in.tradingview.com/u/RK_Charts/ is intended for educational purposes only and should not be relied upon for trading decisions. RK_Charts is not an investment adviser and the information provided here should not be taken as professional investment advice. Before buying or selling any investments, securities, or precious metals, it is recommended that you conduct your own due diligence. RK_Charts does not share in your profits and will not take responsibility for any losses you may incur. So Please Consult your financial advisor before trading or investing.

