
AKMY.V Catches a Bid

Back in January Alkemy Solutions announced a strategic acqusition of OceanSix, a subsidiary of RAM.ON and the Cabka Group, global leaders in the field of recycling and financing for clean technologies. Since, the TSXV ticker has been trading sideways at low volume, with a pretty notable dip the SP entered over the first half of March. There's a lot of background volatility these days with all thats going on at the macro-global level, and TSX as a whole has been doing reasonably well due to its energy and minerals-heavy listees. Though there's no breaking PR or other price sensitive catalyst on the record, today AKMY is up some 20% two hours into trading at 300% average three-month volume. MACD saw a positive histogram flip for the first time and weeks, and the momentum indicator also broke through the x-axis. Technical swing indicators are definitely bullish at the moment, though for what maximum timescale I can't say. I suspect that an institutional actor or market whale may have joined the melee, but too soon to tell. Strongly reccommend keeping an eye on AKMY over coming days for any more significant price movements.

