Car Sales Signal No Recession?

While no one indicator is ever the holy grail of analysis. We do need to pay attention
to certain key pieces of the puzzle. While we can make up all sorts of cute little stories
as to why this is occurring, the fact is it is occurring. This chart happens to top right as
reverse repo began April 2021


When the 2 year yield started to rise

And when Bank profitability started to collapse and the yield curve started to flatten.
leading to tighter lending standards.

As mentioned the private sector found a way to to start to tapper way before the FED
as seen here. (They borrowed bonds from the FED and shorted them (sold them) into the open market)
making killer profits in the processes.
Tapering has been On Going For 8 Months Now

And as I signaled here but my subs were informed way before I posted it on TV.
Rapidly Heading For Recession Signal

Learn how to read the msg of the markets even if you don't trade.

