AMC Entertainment

AMC stock --> Support continues to hold. Still bullish.

These past few red days were IMO good chances to get in at or below $50. Market makers have now added more calls. As crazy as this sounds, I might buy some $120 calls as I believe these will expire well deep in the money. They are still cheap at the moment, and this should just further solidify how bullish the sentiment is considering we have call options going all the way to $145 (market makers might make some $300 calls soon lol).

AMC has not had a squeeze yet. I repeat, it has not squoze. You will know when it squeezes. The candle will make these past week's candle look like an ant.

Have I taken some money off the table?

Yeah, I've taken my initial investment. Note that I called AMC at 5.50 here on TV. I initially invested $5,000 of my own money. During the peak, it was worth $90,000 when you include the $15 call options. I took profit on those and bought more shares. I will continue to do this until the f*cking synthetic shares cover their asses. Both GME and AMC are huge squeeze plays. but AMC has the potential to get more violent, more quickly.

If you ask me, I will continue to stay bullish as long as weekly candles are printing higher and higher highs. I will continue to ride the trend.

Stay strong

