AMN Healthcare Services Inc

10/1/2018 - Self Improvement - AMN

I've been trading for 5 months. I am by no means an expert so please don't solely go off my advice or my actions. I have been keeping a log for quite some time on Tradingview but i have just now decided to go public. If you can help me at all and have any thoughts on my stock actions please feel free to leave comments.

I sold AMN short on 9/26. AMN looks like it has crossed the 200dayMA and is going to be on a long term bear trend. It broke out of a consolidation period around SEP 2017 and went on a massive rise and hit a high around APR 2018. After the high it was dropped on a catalyst news and has been rolling sideways letting the 200MA catch up and eventually pass it. I believe it is in a stage 4 decline and will continue to do so for quite a while.

