Asian Oilfield Services - feels like accumulation✔✔
💢Asian Oilfield Services ltd another gem💢 risky players can consider CMP,then add Dips
safe players add@85-90 range or wait for breakout strict sl below 80🙏 trgt 140-180-200 ++🎯🎯
Reasons for this buy👇 🧩chart looks good ,feels like accumulation.(long consolidation period)expecting a breakout at any time. 🧩Company is almost debt free. 🧩low risk high benefit entry. 🧩good q4 expecting.
about the company✨ Asian Oilfield Services is engaged in the business of oilfield service Company and reservoir imaging company, offering a suite of geophysical services specialising in land and well seismic services and operation and maintenance services for oilfields.