How we traded this 85 % Move

Hello Friends I had to post this because there one person who has sent me Private Message on his small ego based comment and chart he shared with me
on DM and saying he has made a forecast of Axis bank as 700 , when it was 650
I would have ignored , its ok few armatures try to prove them self , eventually they learn on or the other day , its really not about me proving anything its about the
the person who comment in DM with High ego in his Comment , that i don't like for sure none of you will like it too

My point is nothing my friends do not carry your ego its too heavy , carry a knowledge that can be passed to your kids , carry a maturity in your approach ,

Carry a Method to approach anyone or anything in your life that will give you better results

Troll : You don't have to try to prove me anything , just check your bank balance it will give you answer what you are " the mirror of your life"

Well flocks lets say Good luck

Click my privet chart to see how Axis bank Unfolded

We traded it from 400 to 745 and you know me I am ShreeKrishna , always the winner

Upcoming Long set up

