
ride in completing a home-improvement project—and the quickest, easiest way to experience those feelings of accomplishment just might be to apply a fresh coat of paint to the interior of your home.

But while painting rooms isn’t particularly difficult, DIYers often run into trouble when they discover that not all wall surfaces are the same. Interior walls have different finishes and textures, and are made of various materials, which requires matching painting tools and techniques to each specific type of wall for a professional end look.

See below for how to prep before you paint—and then read on for six different wall surfaces you might encounter and detailed instructions on how to successfully paint each one.
Before You Paint: Prep and Clean

On any paint job, the initial prep work is the most important step. Applying paint—even the very best—over an ill-prepared wall will surely result in a blistered, peeling mess. For most surfaces, the following two steps is a good place to start.

Spread a drop cloth onto the floor and use painter’

