Bear Creek Mining Corp.

Beark Creek Mining poised for huge run BCEKF

The year has been good so far for Bear Creek Mining, but as of recent, it has lagged behind it's competitors as the cost of silver has increased. I expect to see that once the 12-day EMA 26-day EMA, we should expect to see the start of a huge uptrend in the stock price. At this point of time with silver jumping above the 18/oz. level, this price is the base price analysis for the Corani Mine which will see huge increases in NPV. Corani NPV increases approximately US $112 M for every $1 increase in silver price (with
proportional increases in lead and zinc), According to a July 2019 power point presentation on Bear Creeks Website. This means that BCEKF is tremendously undervalued due to their ownership of one of the largest silver mines in the world, especially during the beginning of the bull market in silver and gold. Pick up this stock early if you can.

