
It is on the rise, but it is a rise without faith.

Hello I`m Liyatt.

It is on the rise, but it is a rise without faith. hould not buy long positions in haste.
I also keep 0.033 BTC Long Position, hoping to rise as well.
But, It is a dangerous position to buy.

The best place to buy is 0.039 ~ 0.042BTC.
If 0.039BTC is breakaway, it can fall to 0.029BTC and, in the worst case, even 0.016BTC.

There is a possibility of a rise, but the Down Trend is still under way.
The Down Trend does not change until 0.075BTC is break through.

I always recommend Low Risk High Return.
Investors should keep it in mind.
If you have money, you can make opportunities anytime.
I hope you don't lose your money in a Urgent.

Please refer to previous analyses. :)
Additional drop occurs if 0.0462BTC is breaked.

