
Short sell in Futures

This one is making its complex B wave after its 1st move form its recent Low ( Apparently Double Bottom )

Now currently i am looking this as B (b) of Complex structure , One can look for sell set up to take position and move the stop once it move away form its

Point of brake
having proper forecast is very important in today s trading system
all the segments of internal and Primary trend knowledge is very important
i see many try to argue with others claiming the system they are following is correct
its irrelevant because if your system of trading is correct most of the time you will be in the right direction of the trade
so far from 122 to 108, we are booking by trailing stop today
Yet another long term trade in Future contract we are closing 2 lots and holding only 1 lot with method of trailing stop
We are almost in 71 days in this trade

We made from 122 to 100 , so far 22 % Profits by price move
and we made 22 Points in Future contracts
Do You know , Most in tweeter and other social site try to claim they have the best Knowledge and they want to provide you an subscription based advisory

Yet they lack Proving s , they lack of adopting changing structure , they lack of understanding upcoming events and their effect in secondary reactions ,

They lack 99 % of knowledge yet they want to give an advisory services to others

and trust me people follow them like a sheep

