Took a perfect intraday trade for BHARAT ELECTRONICS ( BEL )
As there was too much volume yesterday and its friday today so people will buy thinking there will be gapup opening on monday and will book the profit so i took the advantage of it and bought just on 9:15:9 AM and booked profit in 40 min
STRATEGY : as per technicals on 20 jan 2020 the same situations was happening and i took the day high of 20 jan as my target and 8 july high and 27 july high as my support and gave a stop loss just some points above it. JUST PURE TECHINAL ANALYSIS I WILL SOON START GIVING MORE STRATEGIES FOR FREE MY PERSONAL SIMPLE STATEGIES FOR BEGGINERS AS LEARNT SO MUCH BY MY LOSSES AND NOW MAKING PROFIT THANK U GUYS KEEP SUPPORTING TIP : FINAL TARGET OF THIS SHARE IS 125-130 BY THE END OF DEC 20