BIGC looking like itll have another $30 rally soon

Looking at the Day Chart you can see that its pretty clear that BIGC might retouch the $70 level
Once it does that i do think that well bounce off that AS LONG AS THE MACD TURNS DIRECTION
You can also see that the last time we had the Mom indicator at these levels it was the start of the bull reversal that took us straight to $108
The Accelerator Oscillator indicator is also showing signs of bullish movements which in turn is showing the bear trend weakening

A solid buy would be right now or waiting a couple day to see if BIGC goes down to the $70 level
If MACD switches sides we are looking at another rally to $108 as well as other tech following

So far i have noticed that BIGC is a leading indicator of other Tech
Earnings will also be a good indication of the direction

