Bitcoin Liquid Index

BTC Stock to Flow and multiple to predict price

Purple line - I chart the stock to flow (S2F) along with BTC price.
Below chart - I chart the "stock to flow multiple" (S2FM).
S2F price x S2FM = BTC price

The S2FM clearly shows a trend line for the BTC tops.
The S2FM for the next bitcoin top can be guessed around 2.55 to 2.4. I guessed 2.5 and show it with the horizonal orange line.
Notice, that for each time the S2FM touched the trend line, the S2F dipped. So I would expect that to be true for the next BTC top on the weekly.

Let's say I guessed the S2FM to be 2.5 correctly as shown by orange line. And the trend line holds true.
Then when BTC tops, the table below calculates the corresponding S2F weekly.
BTC price / S2FM = S2F weekly
$120,000 / 2.5 = $48000
$11,0000 / 2.5 = $44000
$100,000 / 2.5 = $40000
$90,000 / 2.5 = $36000
$80,000 / 2.5 = $32000
$70,000 / 2.5 = $28000

The latest S2F has ranged from $38,000 to $138,000 .
But remember, for each bitcoin top, the S2F weekly dipped to the lower value, not spiked to the higher value. Currently, S2F has dipped as low as $38,000. And it could easily spike lower. 80k to 100k are feasible in such a case.
80k to 100k BTC price is what I meant by the last sentence.
If you wish to duplicate chart, use the following indicators:
Bitcoin Stock To Flow Model (fixed) by mexxer
Bitcoin Stock To Flow Multiple (fixed) by mexxer

