Bitcoin Liquid Index

Bitcoin hash ribbons indicator has given good buy signals

This is the BLX daily chart. The following are the 14 times in Bitcoin's history that have given buy signals as good opportunities to buy Bitcoin for long term accumulation:

12/21/11 Buy $3.89
6/19/12 Buy $6.49
2/7/13 Buy $22.04
1/28/15 Buy $234.61
5/6/15 Buy $229.86
5/17/15 Buy $236.49
6/18/15 Buy $249.02
1/9/19 Buy $4020.12
12/27/19 Buy $7245.33
4/23/20 Buy $7478.18
7/12/20 Buy $9306.71
12/2/20 Buy $19231.24
8/7/21 Buy $44635.65
8/19/22 Buy $20834.94

Assuming 1% average buy fees over the last 11 years and buying $1000 worth of BTC each time, your $14000 BTC investment would have bought 469.442 BTC. At the current $17648 price, your $14000 investment would now be worth $8,284,704.

The hash ribbons indicator hasn't given a buy signal yet, but probably will within the next month.

