Bitcoin Liquid Index

AW Bitcoin Analysis - The Definitive Conclusion Chart...

Please take a moment to imagine such a scenario in which these waves could play out.

It might have something to do with US Dollar strength and higher interest rates.

On a positive note, we all know what comes after Wave 2.

Would you rather use the waves to determine future price action or a lovely hopium chart full of rainbow ribbons and death crosses, I mean moving averages.

Of course, this is just a logical way of looking at a chart but logic flies out the window when you have your Lambo lenses on.

It may not go that low or it might go lower. No one can really know what the state of the world will be during that time.

Asset prices may have declined significantly priced in worthless FIAT.

Social unrest, war, famine, pandemics and supply chain failure.

We don't really know but we do know that what goes up must come down, even if that means it will go up harder later.

Please see all related wave analysis videos linked below.

Remember to use Disciplined Money Management Principles to ensure longevity as a trader.

If you don't know the long term pattern shouldn't you be doing your research[b/] instead of just following the crowd?

Just remember: I am not a financial adviser; I suggest using this only as a guide. Always do your own research.

