SHORT setup for BNB/USDT


BNB/USDT 60min 快照
Distribution at the top, the price should return to the areas of greater liquidity.
BNB continues in a sideways movement which may be a distribution top, causing prices to return to the POC, in the crypto world this pattern of distribution top after a sharp rise, is called Bart Simpson

The asset is facing the 200 EMA after a strong bearish move.

I believe in the continuation of the downtrend, my position is established

The goals are plotted on the screen

🔴Disclaimer: The comments above reflect solely and exclusively my opinion, it is not a recommendation to buy or sell. Just a series of published studies, so that as a community we can discuss tactics and operational techniques.

🔹Would you like to ask any questions, throw away that duvid one? Fique à voluntade, terei or prazer em ajudar.

