Bondly overview: Launched on Polkadot (DOT) in September 2020, the "Bondly protocol offers an ecosystem of decentralized products that enable anyone to execute digital payments between peers (from their website bondly dot finance)." With a circulating supply of less than 200 million and a total count possible of less than 1 billion coins/tokens, this is a steal of a deal! This coin has a very small market cap. It’s trading for less than a quarter. Bondly provides services to artists, crypto projects, and brands that are looking to launch and manage the best possible NFT experience. They have simplified the processes that typically frustrate NFT creators and collectors. Their marketplace is competitive and professional in appearance. Their customers are musicians, video game creators, and players, influencers, agencies, brands, movies, celebrities, and athletes. Entire sports teams are utilizing Bondly already. They’ve launched everything from virtual pets to card games and anime. They’ve partnered with Atari, Binance, Chainlink, and more. I was able to make my small purchase of less than 1800 coins/tokens using Tether (USDT) in bitmart. I am thinking I should set it and forget it. Like Piccolo Inu (PINU), UltimoGG (ULTGG) and Pig Token (PIG), I am willing to bet this is one like those will eventually get listed on Coinbase and other large exchanges and create a huge price catalyst when it happens. (PINU and ULTGG are similarly positioned in the NFT and Gaming genre, while Pig is serious Defi) Get in small, get in early and wait (thus, set it and forget it) for stunning returns. The "get in small" part of the equation is with the understanding that some platforms and tokens will become losers. Never speculate with more than you can afford to lose. This is not advice, but simply part of what I am doing. If you would like reading more about these hot NFT, Defi and Gaming platforms/coins/tokens, let me know.