Market Cap BTC Dominance, %

Alts couldn´t be more Bullish (Monthly Graph)

(Inverted Graph)

I know I am gonna get a lot of fear people saying alts will go to zero when BTC falls, blablabla.

If you were investing in 2016-2017 you know how alts behave until the last leg up pf BTC. Alts anticipated BTC gaining dominance before BTC`s last leg up.

During the last leg up of BTC Alts lost dominance, when BTC reached the log chart Alts pumped again for the last time in the cycle.

Well, this is happening again, the thing is that it is happening while BTC is falling, we could easily reach 30% before the last leg up of BTC,

and it could take 1 to 3 months if that cycle keeps getting delayed, which on my view is a good thing, since the longer we take to reach ATH also increases the price potential.

