For me it's clear since a week ago. Typical BTC consolidation, alts run,.
Technical this is healty. Building and re-accumulation before gaining momentum for 100k order blocks.
Ethereum is also building slow but steady, also ETH/BTC is finaly showing some promessing higher lows.
Big boys are still accumulating and holding back the real ETH impuls. Soon we will see some momentum.
Fomo can switch quick to greed, make sure to have an preplaned exit plan, macro economics are very delicate in de short term imo.
Did some rigoreus research and within the comming weeks and months I, as many, expect momentum followed by a blow-off top? A black swan?
Be shure to have your ''crash cash'' buffer set asside, nobody can predict a top, so DCA out. Profit is Profit.
Next decade will be full of intresting development an good choices now can make a huge difference down the road.
''Always guard thay gold from loss'' The Richest Men In Babylon. Epic book full of wisdom.
Trade safe. Take profit. Sell green, buy red.