
Trading Hierarchy: What Really Matters in Trading

Hello traders, these past few weeks have been incredibly profitable for many traders (and many losses as well)! Here I would like to show you an investor philosophy that I always trade by when approaching the market. Many people approach technical analysis thinking it's the first and foremost thing they must learn, which in reality, should be the last. It's crucial to first understand that trading psychology and risk management is the MOST important factor when trading within the market. Even if you have strong technical analysis (which can never be perfect), you can lose if you have BAD risk management. You can lose even more if you are no patient enough and trade EMOTIONALLY.

The sad reality is, many professionals who have traded for years, still have yet to realize this. I hope this small educational post shines light onto advanced and beginner traders. Everyday, I am witnessing traders who are making money not knowing why, or losing money not knowing why. One thing that I always like to advocate is that it's better to know why you lost a trade, rather than not knowing why you made money in a good trade. These are realistic expectations of the market, there is no simple magic pill in technical analysis .

Trade Safe.
X Force

