
Bitcoin Cycle

Using historical data to project a potential look at the Bitcoin cycle ahead.

We are now in the Bottom Zone and viewing the most attractive buying prices in years. Expecting a whole lot of nothing going into '23 which is perfect for the accumlators.

Historical data suggests we meet ATH level ~69K around Q4 '24 - Q1 '25. Then putting in a cycle top late '25/ early '26.

If these cycles continue, I would expect Crypto Total to tend >7T at the next cycle top and assuming a minimum of 30% BTC market share with ~20M BTC in circulation;

We can expect BTC at cycle top to be a minimum of:

7T * 0.3 = 2.1T Bitcoin Mcap...

2.1T / 20M = 105K per Bitcoin

Purely for fun, the bear market has me bored. Surely it couldn't be this easy...

