
An update or slightly alternative to my first idea.

chris-abc 已更新   

I remaain convinced that this curved formation is trying to tell us something and the more i look the more i see in it, so this is an update to my previous idea, On this chart y7ou can see each coloured curve (lets say inclomplete rounded bottoms or IRB) is in the same part of the larger time frame curve, you can se on this chart that each of everry IRB is progressively getting more complete.
I am not tech trained i just kinda pick up on things when i see them and then later find out it has a techie analysename fpor it, so if this is something obvious and has a name i sorry i dont know the type of TA it is., But i dont think i am imagining it. I just not sure how to analyse it properly, so if anyone with more experience would like to tell me what it is i am seeing share their thoughts or ideas on it then that'd be great. If my TA here is total tosh then its fine, you can point out where i have gone wrong but please dont be rude as i am very much learning trading and we all start knowing nothjing although i know much more now than i used to

I think the third green line should be shorter and only going up to that of just same level or slightly below the second green line, that would make the first purple line too long too a little and would make the third blue line at too wide curve by a little, so the uptrend will maybe begin in 3 days earlier than the chart suggests. Will see if it all a load of rubbish anyway so please dont use my ta to trade on as i just amateur but thought it might spark some of your own ideas if you not looked at it like this before
