
Bitcoin bart market

Simple one.
I want to take this trade but the fees with my (regulated) brokers are way too high I just lose my edge, the only crypto exchange I would use is Bitmex but my second account is empty, and I can't send money there right now (thank you ESMA). It is a shame, this is pretty high probability. And ETH has a spread of 2 dollars are they serious?
But regardless, this is what is probably going to happen in the next days.
If the price goes up to 4200 before going down, the entry will be higher, I'll update.

Will update anyway even if I do not take this trade, actually I never looked much into crypto for the short term stuff like this (I only swing traded it for the past year).
It could take several days to bounce when this usually takes maybe 12 hours, and crypto volatility is dead and crypto might die, so there was no point for me to waste time on it.
Ye I'm just posting this for views tbh XD

Remind me I need to send some BTC to my second Bitmex account once I close my short...

