While BTC is and will continue to be an excellent store of value it's not the pinnacle of blockchain technology, only the beginning. What I think a lot of people investing in the crypto market fail to realize is that what you're investing in is different technologies and uses for the concept of the chain of blocks. While bitcoin has excellent properties as a great place to store money it's underlying tech can't handle the transaction rate now, let alone in a rapidly developing world that very clearly is moving towards a financial system based on crypto tech. Put your money in things that will improve the technology, or better yet replace it. Everyone knows btc you can store all your profits in Btc, thereby making gains, but the majority of your investment focus should be on up and coming technology that presents better solutions to the global financial system not to mention the environmental concerns that BTC presents. See whose making deals with who and really dig in your research and you'll see it's more than meets the eye. Which brings me to the question, "Well if Im not investing in BTC where should I put my money". Now before I make any suggestions I just want to take a second to remind everyone that crypto market is extremely volatile and keeping your money in unstable forms presents a risk all on its own. Be aware of the price action on your assets set stop losses and be ready to pull out at anytime. That being said l personally think there are some projects brewing that could be internet level investments. It's my personal opinion that Xlm should take up most of your long term portfolio. Company after bank after company keep announcing their plans to operate on the stellar network. And remember even if stellar themselves aren't involved in creating the project the project still needs xlm to send transactions. Ibm has been involved in ever tech advancement since the computer and they built their global financial network, world wire, on the stellar network. Ibm has made at least 5% returns on dividends for 25 years in a row and stellar is the network they chose to integrate their company into the chain of blocks. Now portfolio diversity is important to maintain proper capital management and allow you the ability to move money around while others things are making moves. I'm not going to go into as much detail on these but I would keep an eye on Atom, Zrx, Ada, Uni, Grt, Link, Trx, and obviously ethereum. But proof of work and proof of stake, not to mention ethereums outrageous gas prices, will become outdated. Don't invest in old news. Invest in things that are and will change the world and the way our entire monetary system runs. Right now with the games changers value so low there never will be a better time to invest in these things that will be in the background 10 years from now. Remember you don't need to know how cell towers work to send calls and messages between themselves. But if you had invested in the tech that makes that happen you would be a millionaire. Every one loves the convenience but doesn't care how it happens. To wrap up I'll say stay ahead of the curve and left behind or jump on late. Research who is working with who ,what function they perform, and how will they improve the chain of blocks to make everyone's lives more convenient.