Hello All,
Bitcoin having hard time to follow commodities and energies because it is not consumable.
Bitcoin is not an inflation hedge instrument. In an inflationary environment, people would like to hedge their wealth by investing gold.
Gold became a safe haven for money and seems like a smart move to allocate a portion of gold in a portfolio in inflationary environments.
Bitcoin is an interesting, tempting instrument. In my opinion fighting against its value is non sense. Because the technology it offers will be the technology of future; blockchain.
Bitcoin can be an investment instrument but not a good instrument of payment. Think about getting paid by Bitcoin..
Bitcoin's value is so fluctuant that even one day your salary would decrease or increase by 20%.
That's why Bitcoin will always have haters and lovers.
Nowadays, I don't see Bitcoin revaluate to new highs because with Fed's approach to money.
If Fed decides to awards dollar holders by increasing rates, we'll probably see new areas to reinvest this instrument.
I decided to follow Bitcoin's price actions while approaching to Fed's meetings.
Thanks and stay safe.