
SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade Update : Shift Market Trends - BUCKLE UP

This update is to show you why I believe the markets have already started moving into the low-liquidity phase I have been suggesting for more than 3+ weeks. This low-liquidity phase will happen as we move closer to the US elections.

Simply put, traders are very anxious regarding the outcome of the election and the chaos that may happen after the election. Because of this, I believe many traders have already pulled capital away from the markets and are sitting on CASH.

This lack of market liquidity could present a very real risk of a FLASH-crash type of event.


Metals shifted downward (silver is leading almost all other markets with very clear patterns/setups).

BTCUSD appears to have peaked and is rolling downward.

The SPY is about to APEX into a new FLAG APEX - thus we should expect extreme volatility over the next 3+ hours of trading. Possibly leading to a strong downtrend near the end of trading today.

And, I believe all of this points to the lack of liquidity event taking shape. Moving the markets into a type of low liquidity PANIC mode (downward).

Play safe and Buckle Up!

Get some.

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