
This might interest you: Bitcoin stealthy accumulation

Here is something you might be interested in: Bitcoin has been getting accumulated for the past weeks.
Noticed how on trading view they were much more Forex ideas and how crypto started to fade away as interest drops?
Can't link here, just google these words if you have not heard of this yet:
The total accumulated by these 5 wallets is more than 133 thousand BTC.

I am really trying to care, but I just can't. Slept 1 hour two days ago because I had to, and I still have not recovered the will to live. I should be fine by tomorrow so maybe I will look into this.
This does not mean that a bull market is going to start... If it was this easy institutions would all be making 150% a year every year, yet the best ones are making 20% a year with many many that stagnate or even take losses. What they might do is a pump and dump (search for Jim Cramer he openly talks about, I think on national television).

Also, this could be manipulation or something. Bitmain selling behind the scenes and then buying back the same amount of Bitcoin in full visibility on exchanges on few wallets for every one to see. Or whatever, I don't even know how well that would work.

Now, alot of people in crypto are noobs, so if the price starts pumping & they see this, they could go crazy and rush in (Because you know if you are persuaded the price is going to 1 million you cannot simply wait for confirmation of the price breaking 20.000 nonono you should buy as fast as possible or it might make a 10.000% gap and you missed it and have regrets for the rest of your life).

Definetly be careful with shorts, might want to get stopped or partial stop and reopen higher with your profit.

But seriously, some crypto conspiracy activists (probably flat earthists too) are thinking transactions of 10.000 BTC are made by institutions trying to be as secretive as possible.
I do not know their intentions, but if they wanted to keep it secret they sure as hell would not be loading dozens of thousands of Bitcoin in plain sight.
Or they really really are out of touch :D
Ye maybe just a final pump and dump as I have been waiting for a long while, just like gold.

Here is (still) one of my predictions.
First, what gold has done
Second where crypto is now

What other drawn out bear market with a support tagged multiple time is there? I can't think of anything similar... Maybe the stock market in 2000?
Not really that similar.

What other markets without big players (or call them simply pro's - they just always cut loss quickly so we never see this BS); and full of "simple people" that just keep holding on because they know wall street is after their money (aka bagholders) are there out there? beanie babies? Don't have the chart.
For those interested there is a little bit of research on this. For example "Daily institutional trades and stock price volatility in a retail investor dominated emerging market"
We examine the short-run dynamic relation between daily institutional trading and stock price volatility in a retail investor-dominated emerging market. We find a significantly negative relation between volatility and institutional net trading that is mainly due to the unexpected institutional trading. The price volatility–institutional trade relation differs for institutional buys and institutional sells, and for small and large stocks. Institutional investors herd-trade in large stocks, but do not systematically engage in positive-feedback trading. We argue that the net impact of informational and noninformational institutional trades determines the relation between volatility and institutional trading, and that the relation is negative when informational trading by institutions prevails.

Sure there is silver but it is the same than gold.

I am thinking of reducing my short size by 1/3 (also got a SL on mex @ 6500 on half the position). Expecting to see something like this:
Well I really don't know I am falling asleep. There is actually still potential for a 25%-30% drop before reaching this trendline so I guess it is worth it, we might drop there before bouncing.

Put yourself in a whale shoes. Is this not the easiest, safest, highest probability, very lucrative, way to make money? And that has worked in the past.

Forex is boring to post about... I trade it mostly but there is not much to say. I don't want tradingview to become bland and boring :(
There is alot of drama around stocks but not much people seem to care, alot care about crypto drama thought, I suppose mainly noobs.
No one is passionate about this. Like robots? They were joking when they said you have to trade like a robot. Better love what you're doing.
If it is full boring robot mode I don't see how people would keep doing it. Well that's my point of view. Maybe most people actually need this to be successful.

The bears are getting anoying, the bulls STILL need to get slapped, but now bears also need some slapping.
The faster we drop there, the faster both groups learn their lesson.
Of course if we go up in a bull trap, bears will get stop lossed and shreKt, and then bulls will be trapped and will get shrekt.
Probably what will happen, AND what would be the most joy to my cold void of empathy heart muahahaha. Nah jk I just love drama.
Trading week is over, all that is left now is crypto, but not really since it does not move.

This is the plan imo:
Accumulation ==> drop ==> pump ==> rally ==> redistribution (dump).

What would be perfect is to get to long at ~5500$ right before a BIG rally to at least 8k. And then short with the profits on that long.

Going to happen before December.


