Coin World Report, data shows that the number of unconfirmed transactions on the entire Bitcoin network has dropped to 317,754, the total network computing power is 341.28 EH/s, the 24-hour transaction rate is 5.79 transactions/s, and the current difficulty of the entire network is 48.01 T, it is predicted that the difficulty will be lowered by 1.89% to 47.10 T next time, and there are 11 days and 6 hours left before the adjustment. The current market value of BTC is $560.428 billion.
Coinworld previously reported that the number of unconfirmed transactions on the Bitcoin network soared from 134,000 to over 400,000, causing a bottleneck in the mempool. The surge in unconfirmed transactions has led to a 343% increase in transaction fees, from $1.99 per transaction on April 26 to the current $8.82 per transaction on May 7.