
$15,400 by June, then 600% growth rate takes over

Sorry as I work out my own Long-hold thesis before your eyes, but it's better that I get my notes out in small spurts.

Historical average growth rate between the end-of-year highs, until mid-year spurts is around 220%. 2016 was 180% and 2017 was 283%.

Thus, a purchase of one Bitcoin at $7,000 February 6th will yield, by average, a $15,400 coin in June. I have yet to study 2013, 2014, and 2015. I would expect to see a lull in values post Mt. Gox. Thus, I omit those extreme years, where external legal factors justified a big price pull back.

I will study and publish results based on the second-halves of such years. I expect growth rate to triple, and create significant run-ups, prior to crashes. This pattern is live during 16, 17, and 18.

This document is for information and illustrative purposes only. It is not, and should not be regarded as “investment advice” or as a “recommendation” regarding a course of action, including without limitation as those terms are used in any applicable law or regulation. You will understand this comment as purely speculative, is done without compensation by you, and bears no accountability for the success of your investment actions.

