
Patience always pays it´s debts, specially with BTC

Hey guys, just passing by to see how are you guys doing, hope that you managed to be calm during the turbulence.

Every cycle is taking longer and longer to reach euphoric moves, this time is no different. I was a big believer on the stock to flow model but I am changing my mind this year.

Every cycle will be longer from now on, don´t expect 2013 or 2017 moves, BTC is becoming more stable every time giving strength to other altcoins that are putting up a lot of work on their ecosystems.

I sad that during the fall and I will say it again, DOT for me is the most undervalued project of all the big ones at the moment, I filled my hands with DOT and EGLD during that fall and I know that i will

pay out in the long run. There is still time to get in.

