
BTC - Giant Bull Flag?

We appear to be forming a bull flag on the Daily.

Other Positive Signs:

1. Bullish Engulfing candle on the Monthly candle tonight at 6pm central
2. Weekly Engulfing candle if we're above $9,550 at 6pm central time on sunday night.
3. The 50 MVA will cross above the 100 MVA by Monday, based on the current rate.

Target $9,800 and $10,250

1.Halving generates additional interest. Which it is. --> trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=2010-12-22 2020-01-22&q=bitcoin halving
2. The corona-virus is a strong narrative for driving the price higher. Mainly, because it's the easiest way for people trying to leave to China, to be able to take money with them. The pace is still parabolic within mainland China. --> gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html

