
Bitcoin is about to get sucked down a black hole.

If you can't see it, I don't know what to tell ya... I'm more sympathetic for people who don't WANT to see it… But if you CAN'T see it... open your eyes and look at this chart. Do I need to tell you the sky is blue and the grass is green?

I've been trading on hope too, ladies and gentlemen, but now it's time to pay the bill.

Bitcoin is about to tank and it's gonna take almost everything down with it… 85,000 in a day wouldn't be a surprise at all. BTCUSD

There are some crypto positions that might be immune to this fall… NCTUSD would appear to be one of them… Whenever bitcoin has a terrible sell off and everything else is down this one doesn't seem affected in the slightest.

To a lesser extent ACSUSD seems to show some immunity also.

