Just another Greed-based Run-up that will cause a Massive Dead-Fall Drop, almost Straight Down just like the 3 previous!
They're not even letting it go through the natural pullbacks, they're just pumping it up so they can screw everyone at the top when they dump it in a mad sell-off to the bottom, which will regretfully cause another Trend-line Reduction Zone for another week of lost time... ... ... ...
We have officially Left the Trend-Line Reduction Zone and the New Trend-Line is at $9,659.019 and we are trending up with a total Trend-Line loss of $1,470.00
At the Current Trend-Line Rate of $9,659.019 plus a Trend-Line Increase Rate of $160.14 per day, Bitcoin will be worth nearly $65,000.00 in 365 days...
Bitcoin was moving down through a Trend-line Reduction Zone over the last six days at a rate of $1,148.33 Per day and as it did it established a new Trend-line at $9,659.01, which caused a Trend-line loss of $1,470.00 (Bitcoin's Actual Worth)... As the CryptoCurrency dropped it also continued to progress up the Main June Trend-line at a daily increase rate of $160.14 Per day, which now continues upward on the new Trend-line... The Bitcoin Currency may or may not return to the previous June Trend-line, yet either way, the Trend-line is still moving up at the same daily rate as before the Reduction and it remains unaffected by day trading activity... When Bitcoin Peaked at $13,849.00 on June 26th, it was an ambitious attempt to recapture the Previous Trend-line from May that experienced a $3,000.00 dollar loss after a Trend-line Reduction that dropped from approximately $9,000.00 down to $6,000.00, which started the June Trend-line that is currently moving up at an expansion rate of $160.14 per day... Late day trading brought on a rally that topped out at $10.916.82, which further established its new ceiling above the baseline of $9,659.019 and that offer lots of room for substantial day trade opportunity to profit over the next few weeks as it climbs back up toward it new high of $13,849.00... At the current Trend-Line of $9,659.019 plus the daily increase of $160.14, Bitcoin will be worth nearly $65,000 in the next 365 days and nearly $195,000.00 by the end of the next 3 Years and likewise the Trend-Line is likely to jump up several times with further institutional investments (Like Retirement Funding for Teachers)...