Pi cycle crossing maintained at 27 days

I have been tracking the pi cycle crossing, which has correctly predicted the top of the prior 3 BTC cycle tops within 3 days of those tops. The pi cycle indicators are the gold and green lines on the chart. While the lines have clearly come much closer to crossing since Jan 1, since the beginning of March the rate of closure has slowed from 880/DAY to 551/DAY, thus pushing out a crossing of the lines. As the chart shows, the lines have indeed become more parallel.

The current gap is $1360, and since March 1 the gap has closed at an average rate of only 551/DAY, implying a cross in roughy 27 days, and a cycle top within 30 calendar days. A few weeks ago, the higher rate of closure indicated a crossing in roughly the same number of days, but the current attenuated rate of closure has maintained this same number of days, and has thus pushed out a predicted cycle top.

NOTE: While this crossing has been an accurate predictor of past cycle tops, it does not guarantee a top of the current cycle. However, the fact that the crossing has been pushed out does make sense given the recent retrace.
BTCUSDTechnical Indicators
