
BTCUSD Volume Manipulation?

OK, anyone care to take a stab at this? Almost to the hour, volume is manipulated to prevent a drop of daily or three day close in the red. This is obviously a pattern that you could set your watch to. Looks like great entry and exit points... But really, how can BTC ever find it's true price if it isn't allowed to range like every other traded commodity?
Zoomed out and pattern goes way back. It's fairly consistent and it gets moderated to a lesser degree to influence certain events as shown in the bigger boxes. Maybe it's a throttle device used by exchanges? BTC is the only coin with this pattern. I'm simply a geek for patterns in things and noticed this peculiarity. I still believe this would be an awesome short and long tool... The majority of time if you sold the mean high between columns you'd buy in for less money on the other side.


