Trading log. Posting my trades here.

Rofl so let's see who gets the best winrate.

Going to post my trades here.

When a struggler talks **** to me I'll redirect him here.
Shorting BTC now, entry 9400 BTC at 9550.
Shorting more as it goes up.
Entry: 9465 or slightly higher
Close: 9101.

Most of my trades will be short term (going from intraday to a few days. This one lasted about 12 hours), but if I have a long term trade I'll precise it.

Entry went up to 9465 or higher. I don't see all the details in Bitmex once it's closed and not going to recalculate it all. Will take a screenshot at home and save it on my hard drive.

Closed at 9101. About 4% profit.
PNL is showed thought and I'm satisfied with it.

Also made a bit with rebates as I used limit orders 95% of the time and I received funding (is it because I go against the trend? I like that if it's the case.).

Rekt. W: 1 L: 0
Starting going long on BTC looking for a small bounce somewhere in the 8600-8900 region.
First buy at 8950$ filled.
Final average buy price 8868.
Not moving so exited at 8960.
1% profit lol whatever. Waiting next move.

Rekt. W:2 L:0
Screenshots of my trades here
Longing Bitcoin. Closed my hedge/short from 9500 at 8650, and went long 2% of my total order at 8640. Since I'm not hedged on Bitmex this count as long too...
The big boys are waiting at 7700-8300.
Correction started going long at 8540 XD
Entry was around 8300.
Exited half at 8615, other half at 8695.

Rekt. W:3 L:0
Started shorting a little bit of BTC as there's bearish divergence on the 4HR I got plenty of cash left to short more if it goes up.
Long Litecoin 100.5$
Risky but I don't care.
Doubled up on LTC at 90$, going to wait a while and if nothing happens, probably selling half my bags to reduce my risk if we go down where I will be able to buy more cheaper.
I think it is going up wave (3) now actually, nvm.
Still I probably sell a bit to be safe.
Not very interested in trading crypto anymore...
Many drawbacks, few advantages for me.
Litecoin can drop I don't even care. Crypto bores me so much right now...
Want to quit.
Sold more than half my Litecoins.
Not sure this bounce will go much further.
At 5k we could see a big bull trap to 7000, short squeeze & then drop like a rock into capitulation.

Only took me half an hour to get filled.

Self reminder to not trade Litecoin again. Ever. Never.

Only volumes of 1 billion or more I guess...
Still have 2 LTC that the frontrunning bots prevented me from selling.
I would rather die of cancer than intentionally allow them to make 1 cent.

I will keep these mere 2 LTC and when Litecoin hits 50...or 0... I will go long for 100 or something. Oh wait, if there is enough volume.

Anyway... I've been tired of this bubble for a while.

Staying away from this giant bubble scam for at least a few weeks, I don't even want to look at it, got some sms alerts set on another site, until I get these I don't want to watch the chart, I already wasted so much time to make nearly no progress when I could have been crushing other markets. Not a total waste as I learned a few things, but just all this space with all its petty thieves, all the lying "friendly promoters" the users - those that actually use crypto - which are drug buyers and sellers, paedophiles, arms dealers... the ICO crooks raising billions they don't need to do nothing with.
And so much more.
A giant bubble a giant scam, plagued by lyers market manipulators that milked the fools that "invested" in magic coins.

I want nothing to do with it until it hits the next floor down on its way to the ground.

I prefer to stay away from this ponzi before I become one of them.

Run for your lives, avoid this scam at all costs. Plenty of opportunities in Forex, the futures market, or stocks. I could be taking 10 trades a day just with futures & FX. Crypto is really not necessary, so get away, this is truly not any better than trading freshly harvested baby brains.

Just sold what was left at market.
30 Litecoins were bought and sold in the last hour on Kraken...

Made an amazing 5.5$ on that trade that wasted so much of my time and was so anoying to execute.

This is a market best left to burger flippers looking to make amazing 5$ returns.

Cya in hell.
Closed 1/3 of my short on BTC, which I posted in this idea
FX & commodities trading log

I have been sick all week that's why...

Make almost no profit since I paid funding to the dumbasses that went long so they have some Bitcoin to give to me when they lose...

Bitmex system does not work if Bitcoin moves 5% per month but their funding remains as high as before when it moved 75% ...
Closed 2/3 left of that short opened at 6738 at 6144.

W: 5 L: 0


Long Bitcoin. I don't k now if what I am doing is right XD
I'm sick and my head is in a parallel universe right now.
Only going to close half of that long at 6333, got a feeling we could go higher.
Wait why do I have this as target?
Oh well doesn't matter.
Think it can go to 7000, even higher, but I'll open new trades short at that point.
Went against the trend & lost again.
But it should have / could have been a win.

I will keep taking these trades as I perfect it.
I am going really small up to now on these (in FX I took positions for 5K ...) & in BTC this trade I lost 1/3 of what I made on my previous short.

So, when there is RSI divergence I know:
* Support will be violated. (So I only buy below it)
* Scale until a certain point (family secret)
* GTFO 50% or 2/3 of my position when it bounces a certain amount (family secret)

I should be good now, and I will keep taking those. Hopefully they do not ruin my stats...
Closed 60% of the short I opened the 21 May, at the top as usual.
Just cashing out.


Also closed a short I had waay back (opened back in April) at 6000.

Crypto is worthless now. Time to get out. The days where I doubled up in less than 2 weeks are over... took me a while to stop being delusional and accept I won't be making money here... but I did it! I capitulated. If it takes me that time to quit crypto it will take the bagHODLers way way longer... 2019 still in never give up never surrender bear market.

I will leave about 2000 on mex to trade if something happens.
The EU regulators have set a limit of 2:1 leverage and since I think very highly of their rules, they know what they are doing!, I will only trade with 20-25 leverage on mex rather than 50.

If I risk 400$ on a trade 25 leverage means I can go on $10000 positions.
I blow up if I lose 5 in a row. that ain't happening... And even if it did I could not care less.
Got lucky and went long right before the break...
Think I either got a nose for these things or I am blessed.
I posted it all in my spam box 9 updates before the break happened so I have proof I am telling the truth.
Long on 6350. Will hold onto that until 7700$ unless I see a possible reversal, but no more even if it "looks" very bullish, it just probably falls like a rock once it gets that far up.

Oh and also the profit I took yesterday and before that too on my shorts, GG.

(Still holding what is now a tini short trade since 7838.22)
Got out at the first sign of trouble because I am a weak hand that will never have the guts (sitting where my brain should be) to HODL.

Let me now withdraw that to my bank account before they run away with my money :)
Beyond Technical AnalysisTrend Analysis

