This could well be another bitcoin BTCUSD bubble as happened around Nov 2013. Looking at the charts I can see that bitcoin tends to disrespect RSIs and Bollinger bands. Analysis of the daily and 4 hourly charts shows that bitcoin is something of a 'teaser'. It tends to leap up make some gentle pullbacks then off it goes again. This tends to happen in the bubble phase. We know that RSIs and Bollinger bands may not be reliable in these sort of trends. So it's not surprising what's been going on.

There is a feeding frenzy perhaps going on as Bitcoin has been in the news as likely to become a reserve currency by 2030. This news is probably driving small and big investors. Everybody wants their 'piece' now and that big chunk or perception of it, in a few years time. The similar phenomenon happened in 2013.

I'm avoiding shorting bitcoin. It is quite noticeable on even 10min charts that after even small pullbacks there is surge that follows. I will probably go long the next significant pullback (if it happens). This is of course high risk. Punters take their own risks if they decide to gamble - which is not encouraged at all. Good money and risk-management are encouraged. Don't play dice with this one!!

