
BTC Do not analyze it much !!!!!

Green ligh " Bitcoin Futures"
I am writing a note to update, but it is incredible the speed at which the price rises, in 30 minutes the price went up close to 700 dollars.
The bitcoin, is showing us a change of economic paradigm? Does everything that goes up fast fall faster? Maybe it's the signal that the world does not work that way anymore, Bitcoin is within reach of the masses and it's not like other financial instruments ...

The economic theory tells us that everything that goes up quickly falls fast ... But what happens if now it is not that way? Are we entering a new era?

Why can it go down? After the news of "Bitcoin Futures" approved the speculators of large size (big fish) enter the game, officiously. Since now they feel protected by the law, what we can expect is that when the big fish enter they are speculating with the price to be able to enter in better positions (a great correction)

Why can not he fall too much? ; the trade that takes place with this currency worldwide is incredible; from small things, to weapons. Money laundering is much simpler and daily money is injected in giant quantities.

Now imagine at this moment they are facing, speculators that want to enter but at lower levels with the big and new fish that are injecting money without control every hour.

