
10k by august

10k by july:
Green bar shows strongest long term support, I don't think we will break below it but I could be wrong. Strongest resistance shown in red, over the last 4 months they have been hardest to break. The white lines indicate in theory how early/late we could breakout to still reach 10k based on the move from long term support to 10k in early-mid April. It is very important that we break out of the descending trend from recent highs of 10k at the start of May shown in yellow.
To change:
1. Error in description box, first line reads "10k by july" when title is "10k by august"
2. White lines are too bold and should be in a different colour such as blue
3. Resistance lines shown in a bold bright red line when they should be a fainter red box and should span from current to august

