I will apply some maths to prove that BTC wont fall from here.
First of all it is known that 6Million BTC are lost or stolen, and from that number, 4M are lost and 2M were stolen but still able to be traded so i'll only use the 4M BTC lost because those are unable to be traded and wont affect price.
Lets apply the maths, 4M BTC in 17.35M represents 23%
So all the pumps/dumps wont be able to bring the price under 23% of the previous max for sure, due to these lost BTC , from here you know that the 23% lost BTC are what's supporting our long term trend line.
20k x 0.23 = 4.6k <-Minimum value BTC can reach
Now lets add the Hodlers and suppose they are 7%, we reach a 30% support.
20k x 0.3 = 6k and there you have the aprox minimum value that i suppose BTC can reach.