
Idea from New guy Bitcoin Prediction

Now first off i will say i am still new at this and i do not have a financial degree, so do not take this as concrete advice and do as i say, this is for Information only from my own guess-estimation and knowledge from what i have studied and have read in books.
there are a few other posts i have that seem to work pretty good and have increased my sense of what the market is "probably" going to do. update notes will be added to better give the understanding of my post.
Green Line above: possible Bullish rise
Yellow line to below green line: possible bullish " bearsih" buy zone for soft shake out
Yellow line: possible bullish and bearish accumulation growth over time
red to yellow: super bear accumulation
Red line below: possible crash reset of new hands
this chart is more for my self and to help me gain info, but made public as information purposes only.
the orange are the water fall of the big guys playing with their "willy's"

