
Bitcoin (BTC) Planned pump past 6800. Wait for bottom.

Following the whales, I have longed the Bitcoin bottom and closed at the exact top for over 5% profit. I also have predicted a Ethereum pump that happened minutes after I called it. I closed at 230 which was near the top.

View those ideas in the related ideas section.

There is a planned pump possibly in 48 hours by a private group to take us past 6800. I should not have posted this but I felt like it would be interesting to see what happens now.

Take this with a grain of salt as you should when anyone calls for a "planned pump". You may completely ignore this idea if you wish to.

Now for actual analysis:
Bids are starting to rise right now. It looks like we will hold here. If we do move lower, it won't be by much. The bottom should be 6400. Please do not long now because I told you to. Make sure you have your own analysis. The most important thing is to manage risk correctly.

However, Bitcoin is nearing its decision point and I honestly do not know the next direction. I am betting on 3500 and will short 6900. The worrying sign is that many altcoins seem to have found bottom, such as LTC. The Doge pump also gave bears a warning sign. I believe Bitcoin may drop more but altcoins will drop relatively less. I am talking about BTC value, so if you are buying LTC/USD, it will drop with BTC. LTC/BTC may drop far less or even hold as Bitcoin falls.

If I were to long right now, my stop would be below 6450. However, so far not much time has elapsed so this may head lower. I will be longing any price near 6400, and will scale in a small long right now that will grow bigger if Bitcoin shows bottoming signs. I believe in the next 32 hours we will find the bottom. I do not think 6496 is the bottom, but who knows.

Thanks for viewing! This is quite a crazy analysis. Do not count on the pump.

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If you want to know where to see the bid/ask sum and buy walls, please message me.
So far almost every single bottom was supported by a buy wall other than the drop from 6550.

When we head lower, monitor for a wall that pops out of thin air to meet the supply or keep have an alternate computer on for the next few days to monitor for hidden buy walls.
Yes, they are doing it. There are spoof walls propping up price on Bitfinex.
Hey guys, one minute after I posted the spoof wall popping up, a 500 btc wall popped up.

I am now fully long here on Ethereum. My Bitcoin long is still active. Just so you know, I have all my capital in this trade with a tight stop loss. So far am in very good profit.
6570 wall is legit, my 24 hour computer has shown it has bought over 125 BTC so far.
On finex over 1200BTC has been sold in the last 5 minutes.

Bullish so far. There has been a new wall that appeared so if we do happen to test support again it is the best time to long.
I am still long here. walls popping up just in time to meet supply, which is quite bullish.

