BTC to $3550 - Inverse Chart comparison

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Left is current BTC price action on the daily timeframe, on the right is BTC on the 12H Timeframe.

Using the QuantRsi to find hypothetical Support targets, and Heffae Clouds as a guide for price movement. In this case, both indicators align to paint the same target.

Showing a prior instance of similar setup on the right pane.
8H and 4H paint really strong support in these channels, I don't think a short position is worth the risk in this instance.

Trading cancelled, short closed. Back to a spot position waiting for shorter timeframes to have support in QRsi trend, confirming upward trajectory.
Well, I got taught yet again that I should stick with my guns...
I think this move will have continuation.
Unfortunately, I lost out on the initial move... even after having the right idea
Great lesson that perfect TA is only part of a successful trade.

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