
A strange correlation? Look at the China 50 Index and BTC/USD.

An estimation of hashrate distribution amongst the largest mining pools.
BTC . COM 18.2%

btc . com, if you click on the ABOUT US section, it brings you to bitmain . com.

"Bitmain Technology Holding Company (“Bitmain”) is a multinational semiconductor company with state-of-the-art IC design capabilities. Bitmain offers products, including chips, servers, and cloud solutions, for blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI) applications.

Founded in 2013 and headquartered in Haidian District, Beijing, Bitmain has research and development centers in Hong Kong, Singapore, and United States."

On the Bitmain site, you can click on a link: Antpool.

The ABOUT US section on Antpool, the CONTACT US brings you to support . bitmain . com

Bitmain (through BTC . COM and Antpool) controls 32.8% (approx.) of the bitcoin mining, worldwide.

In a recent post, I mentioned a study which calculates the rate of growth, of bitcoin transactions, and the rise in price.

Perhaps Bitmain has understood long ago that for the price of Bitcoin to rise substantially, the number of users must grow substantially.

There are 2 periods of rise of China 50 Index and then, BTC.

Was BTC created by a Chinese? To be free from the Chinese Renminbi and the USD?

F. Normandeau

