
BTC "Scared Cat" Pattern

I'll just leave it there.
Scared Cat now bleeding from the eyeball. With a little luck (or unluck depending on perspective) it could soon start vomiting red candles.
Wow Crypto Knights! I did a 9 hr drive today from Northern Washington to Southern Oregon... and it's pretty awesome to get home to such a great reception for this chART. Most pleased to drop a little fun into what is sometimes a very stressful and serious experience wrangling cryptos. Laughter is the best medicine.

At this point if you push play, scared kitty is puking a lovely array of candles in a somewhat projectile fashion with a semi upward diagonal motion. I will take that as a positive sign along with finding support from the 55hr EMA. Cheers y'all... and best of luck in all you do. Thanks again for the love.

