
Bitcoin Elliott Wave count 6H TF

Bitcoin going up correctivly with a WXY pattern for what I think is a 4th wave that may hit 27000.
Now we are into subwave b, flat pattern from wave Y that I think it will find support somewhere at 22000 to retest a previous borken resistance from this level. Also 22000 is 0.764 fib retracement of the subwave a of wave Y and 1:1 ratio wave a vs c from that flat b that I mention it upside.
So we have some interesting confluneces at this 22000 and I am expecting the price to bounce to go up and finish this WXY somewhere at 27000.
Wave X vs Y 1:1 ratio hits exactly 0.382 fib retracement of what I think is a 3rd wave annd this is another reason that makes me to say Bitcoin will hit 27000.
I am updating Bitcoin count frequently for diffrent time frames so if you like my analysis subscribe for future updates.
I will remain short untill will start subwave c from wave Y
Good luck!
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