
Floor and Last Available Sell Zone For H Holders... Cold Winter

This is the most ominous sign for a Heartbeater holding a coin..

The Last Throw

The Final Pulse..

Time to abandon longs..
Remember, the Heartbeat must be symmetrical to be sure to turn the market bearish..

This could yet turn into an ASH and stay bullish..

be on your toes.. The absolutely symmetrical "text book" heartbeat is the killer and necessary on this time frame. set high sale orders prepared for a double top / breakout until perfect symmetry is confirmed..

I don't know if you realised but , we are on Fat Cat's axis..... hehehe...

And this ain't looking like a perfect Heartbeat either ! I could be wrong but the centerline in time is a little out.. More like a HLBRX but it is approx..

If this ain't perfect crossing that blue blue plus up and to the right, I call a massive bullish upswing Lightning bolt echoing the Perfect PVMMLB we saw previously that was assumed bullish but until now remains bearish.. It's axis is a perfect magnet and more often than not perfect axis meet.. Take Fat Cat, He was only Approx Perfect and killed all the bears, This is looking like a bulltrap until confirmed bearish with a perfect conclusion to this ensuing heartbeat..

Look at that, It looks lika a Black Mamba Bite Mirrored on Price Axis has completed........ Presumed to also be a Cupsmith, a bearish Cupsmith.. Give me some time to chart it.. coming soon !!
Confirmed Extra Super Bullish Market Ensuing !!!!

Fat Cat Ambushes Bears /ASH Cupsmith has Closed Before Symmetry!
This is not a bearish structure that is ensuing.. This is not a textbook Heartbeat (Glimpse of the SFB) see new charts for latest Hearteater story !!!
This chart is void !!!

